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House of Healing is guided by 10 core values. These core values guide and influence our culture: 

  1. We are a Kingdom church.

  2. We honor God, we honor leadership, we honor one another.

  3. We are a safe place for the remnant. 

  4. We are an equipping church (training center).

  5. We are a giving church.

  6. We are led by Holy Spirit!

  7. Prayer is our foundation!

  8. Excellence is our standard, not our goal!

  9. We are a Word church!

  10. We do Community well!



“Building People. Transforming Minds. Saving A Generation.”


HOHI is an international, multigenerational, non-denominational, Full Gospel Kingdom Training Center & Hub with an apostolic mandate of healing and deliverance, training and equipping, discipling and developing, and launching Kingdom citizens into their identity and sphere of influence. We have been sent to heal, build, equip, transform and save many nations with the uncompromising and life-transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 61:1-4; Acts 2:39-40).


Our vision is to restore and heal the hurting and strengthen, empower and train believers to operate in power with a Kingdom mindset. We are called to reach the un-churched and those who have turned away from God.


We are committed to: evangelism and outreach; making disciples through solid Christian education; teaching Kingdom principles with manifestation and power; training and developing a new generation of ministry and marketplace leaders; strengthening marriages and families; social justice, community outreach and economic empowerment; and ministering health and wholeness to the total man, body, soul and spirit. This is all accomplished through Christ-centered teaching. “HE sent His Word and healed them.” (Psalm 107:20)

"We are an apostolic, prophetic training center!" -Apostle Joshua P. Smith

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